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Information on the city of Saint Vlas

The village of St. Vlas, located next to the holiday resort of Sunny Beach- Nessebar, is one of the fast growing communities in Bulgaria. Sunny Beach is a resort area, comprised of numerous hotels, night clubs, shops and restaurants. The beach at the resort is 8 km (5 miles) long and boasts fine sand and a developed area with sun beds and umbrellas. South of Sunny Beach is located the ancient “island village” of Nessebar. Now connected to the mainland by a man made causeway, the town’s origins began around 72 AD as a Roman garrison. In the 2nd Century AD, a town was built by the Thracian civilization which was called Mesambria. In 510 AD, the Durians colonized the town and in 680 AD the town came under the rule of Bulgarian Byzantine emperors. In 1956 the town became an architectural and archeological reserve. Still standing are the original gate and fortifications from the 3rd and 4th Centuries AD. There are a number of Byzantine churches still standing from the 5th and 6th Centuries AD. Houses unique to the Black Sea Coast were built in Nessebar during the Bulgarian Revival period after 1878. Nessebar has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Bulgaria over the past 10 years

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